Today we are announcing an update to the Authorize.Net API for Customer Profiles based on a product idea from the community. We now return the card type with every customer profile request: GetCustomerPaymentProfile, GetCustomerProfile and GetCustomerPaymentProfileList. This makes it convenient for developers to display the card type when presenting a list of cards for the user to select.

One important thing to note: as we update existing profiles over the next few days, the new card type field could return a null value for some older profiles until all the updates are complete.
We’re also announcing some new sandbox features for eCheck.Net developers: eCheck.Net settlement is now enabled in the sandbox along with simulation of Returns and Notifications-of-Change using our updated Testing Guide. With these enhancements, you can now perform end-to-end testing of your eCheck.Net integration.
Please keep using our Product Ideas forum to let us know what you want to see in the platform.