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Regular Contributor
since ‎05-31-2016

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In the testing guide: The zipcode for a declined transaction is: 46282 We are trying to test with CIM Thanks,D
Yesterday we started getting this error on out development server, "Uncaught Exception: Error getting valid response from api.".Our production checkout is working fine, but when trying to create a new profile using a test CC#, it fails. Has something...
Hello, I am using the php-sdk. (can you tell me how to find what version I am running?)I received the email about the removal of the MD5 hash, but I'm wondering where I'm using it?From the instructions here>> it appears I need to create a function to...
I am able to see the ErrorResponse with the code E00003 in our API log, but I have no idea how to capture the ErrorResponse as it does not seem to part of the normal response recieved back from I realize this is an error from an XML pa...
In our logs we've got errors something like this: Error E00003 The 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:cardNumber' element is invalid - The value XX is invalid according to its datatype 'String' - The actual length is less than the MinLength v...
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