Thanks for reporting the observation with sample code and this is
resolved. Let us know if you need any help / assistance with our product
and services. HTH
Hi, It’s unusual to take longer than 10 seconds for a transaction
response, so my first suggestion would be to investigate further what’s
happening when this 60 second threshold is exceeded at your end. Are you
not getting a response, or is something...
Hi @santegoeds, Can you please point to instead of endpoint . was replaced with as communicated in the below similar post.
Hi @ammarkhan91, Please share if you are still observing this issue and
are there any specific browsers in which this issue is reported from
your customers. Thanks
Hi, Based on the code snippet provided in the post by @blackwood821 in
sendpaymentdatatonet method there are not setting the authdata and card
data values . Can you please check if you are setting the values first
and then try to send to the Accept.d...