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Our goal for this new community is to provide a place to discuss APIs, partner programs, tips and tricks, and more.

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Sandbox not working

Any one else having issues with the sandbox? I haven't been in my sandbox environment for a while but this morning I'm getting this error when trying to run a transaction:User authentication failed. The account or API user is inactive.So I went to lo...

Securing a REST API!

What are the most effective and up-to-date best practices for securing a REST API, particularly when integrating with payment gateways and handling sensitive data, in the context of today’s evolving cybersecurity setting?

Migration to latest microform v2

I'm following the steps here:https://support.visaacceptance.com/knowledgebase/Knowledgearticle/?code=KA-07551Managed to put the "integrity" and "crossorigin" attributes in my js tag to load microform, but I am getting below error -Error parsing 'inte...

idea exchange call to action

Have your own great idea for a new API feature?

or maybe a suggested improvement to an existing one? Share it and become a god of the developer world.

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