Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Could not run sample code.....

I downloaded the SDK nad the sample code and placed them in a directory in my Apache root. Inconformance with the directive at the bottom of the git-hub page (, I copied the autoload.php file from the s...

Recurring Billing

So I understand that you can not do recurring billing with SIM (which I have no clue why since it seems to be a common request on the forums). I am interested in doing CIM, but we never want to have any of the credit card information passed to our se...

Looking for an existing SIM checkout page...

Has anyone already built a single SIM checkout page in with a menu combining fixed-price purchase items and donation windows that I can adapt for use and link to from our not-for-profit website. I have built a simple checkout, but I nee...


Trying to setup SIM - HTTP 500 error

So we currently use a locally hosted form through First Data. I am trying to convert it to Authorize.Net and inital tries are generating an HTTP 500 Internal server error when trying to pass my form data to the payment form. I am passing my Login ID ...

How to set billing info in CIM hostedForm?

In our system the user complete billing information, and when we show the form of the CIM hosted API, we need such data are loaded in the form, as we do that? First we call to createCustomerProfileRequest, with merchantCustomerId and email. Then I ca...

PayPal Express Checkout + Authorize.Net Same Page

Hello,I am trying to figure out how to use the Paypal Express Checkout and come up to my customers when they goto to checkout and I also am in need of a payment page, which I can't find any good solutions for. Thanks


Not so up and running..

I have read everything I can get my hands on. I have spent a good deal of time on the phone with support. I have downloaded sample code (sample-code-php-master). I have downloaded the SDK. What I have NOT done is get a simple test to run. First of al...

Email is required

Hi, I'm using the PHP SDK to integrate with my site and I keep getting an emai is required error in production. Don't get this error with SandBox. My issue is, I am actually sending the value. What am I missing? Here's the code I have $billingAddress...

EMV September 2015, 2016, or further?

On Auth.nets EMV FAQ page, it states that coding support for the API will be available in September (estimated). I am curious as to what year? It appears is very far behind others. Does anyone have any more detail about when EMV can be used ...

Root element is missing

I started testing my integration for the Akamai stuff and can't seem to get anything to work. We have been integrated for years with no issue so I didn't expect there to be any real problems getting this to work... Just to be sure I hadn't screwed up...


when posting non english characters

Hello It's about non english characters so when I'm posting the data to and if there is a non english character it was throwing me an exception that it didn't read the whole string (because non english characters take more bytes, so the...

Latency creating a CIM customer profile on Sandbox

In order to display the payment profiles hosted page we first create the customer profile right before displaying the page. The account is then retrieved by our proxy page however we are getting a "Record is not found" error when trying to retrieve t...


Trying to create a CIM record with an auth and capture

Here is the JSON I post to try an auth and capture while creating a CIM record as well:{ "createTransactionRequest": { "merchantAuthentication": { "name": "MY_MERCHANT_NAME", "transactionKey": "MY_TRANSACTION_KEY" }, "refId": "123456", "transactionRe...

Silent Post to Salesforce

We are attempting to use the Silent Post URL to post to an apex REST on Salesforce. We can test from the workbench and other third party sites and our REST code works. But we're not getting anything from Authorize. Unfortunately there is no log file ...


When posting test transaction, 2nd transaction is declined

I'm trying to create a few test transactions to seed a dev environment (using the sandbox). The first transaction always works, and the subsequent transaction is declined, error_code 2. I've tried with the same test information (cc: 4007000000027, cv...

Class 'Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml' not found

Hi Guys, I'm attempting to install the lastest version supplied on GitHub (PHP-SDK) and after getting composer installed and running the config both provided in the files I downloaded and other configurations people have posted, I cannot get past thi...

Blank Card Code Response - Only AmEx Cards

Hello everyone, I am having an issue with one of my clients who is seeing that Amex cards are being rejected by our system unless the CID number is omitted. The reason for this is our system generates an error if the CID/CVV Response Code from Author...


Custom Form with Tutorial

I have a custom form on my site and I want to take credit card information on it and submit to Is there a tutorial that anyone knows that makes this easy to do? I know I have to have SSL and all... but what I need to know is how to do ...

I get the error: The record can not be found

With an account, If I call createCustomerProfileRequest and immediately call getHostedProfilePageRequest with customerProfileId that restored my previous call fails, I get the error: The record can not be foundbut between the first call and the secon...


Sample PHP for adding order description Solved

I'm sure it's lack of sleep, but I can't seem to fugure out how to add an order description to "Charge A Card" in PHP. This one didn't throw any errors, but it it didn't add the description to the email receipt either. The part that is confusing is.....

Determining if a transaction was successful (ruby gem)

All of the Ruby sample code defines a successful transaction this way:if response.messages.resultCode == MessageTypeEnum::Ok puts "Successful charge (auth + capture)... (authorization code: #{response.transactionResponse.authCode})" (FYI, MessageType...

Which Integration Solution Is Best For Simple Payment Form?

So I found it odd that there's no PHP example for using SIM. We send invoices (via PDF attachment in an email) to customers. We want the customer to be able to submit payment just by clicking a link or button. We don't need to show the invoice detail...


Basic Akamai

I've spent hours on this. I am a webmaster by the skin of my teeth, trying to figure out where the URLs would be on my wp website so I can point them to the new Akamai urls. No help from my host or I know this is so basic, but I just n...


Regarding updation

below is a copy of an e-mail from regarding some technical updates, so you can determine if there is anything that needs to be done on this.currently i am using payment form component in joomla and there plugin were p...

New MasterCard BIN Range Solved

We were alerted by our bank of the upcoming changes to Mastercard and their new BIN range. More details here: Are there plans (or already) to support this?


CIM XML API Refund E00001 Solved

Hello.Trying to test refunds on sandbox, but keep on getting "An error occurred during processing. Please try again." error. Charges are created successfully.Here's the request example: *** *** 12.34 1200003458 1200002531 20000040807 Any ideas...

Failure Code: 3 Reason 98

Hi - We are running WooCommerce DPM - and about 1 in 10 transactions get this error: Order status changed from Pending Payment to Completed. --- then seconds later --- Payment failure: code 3 – This transaction cannot be accepted. (98). Order status ...


Uninformative warning message regarding HTTP GET requests

One of our customers received an email from stating, "During a system scan, we noticed that your website or payment solution is using the HTTP GET method when submitting your transaction requests to