HTTP Signature - Authentication Failed
Hello Community - I am wondering is there are any logs or anything I can look at to why my Authentication Failed? I am getting this response below...{"response":{"rmsg":"Authentication Failed"}}My calls from postman are working and redoing all of the...
Cancelling/refund a transaction using CyberSource API in .NET
I am using the CyberSource API for Payment Gateway. I went through all the documentations that are available and came up with the following code:First I added the service reference to CyberSource using url
CyberSource card number encryption (RSA-OAEP-256)
Is there anyone know here how do I encrypt card number in cybersource?i tried to encrypt mine using online RSAOAEP encryption tool but i got this response{ "responseStatus": { "status": 400, "reason": "DECRYPTION_ERROR", "message": "Cannot decrypt PA...
cybersource-rest-client These dependencies were not found (Vue.js)
I am trying to create a new app in vue.js. Basically just wanting the same output from cybersource microform node. /echatspin /echatrandom In my vue project main.jsimport cybersourceRestApi...
Certificate signature validation failed
My company runs an old application built in ColdFusion MX7.0.2, running Java 1.4.2. I can't upgrade ColdFusion because CyberSource doesn't support anything higher than MX7.When calling the CyberSource Simple Order API (
Why is R HTTR content statement not producing the expected request body?
I am using R to call on Cybersource API. When I use the GET request I obtain a successful response of 200. When I read the body of the the response rather than get the csv data back I get a path to a csv file path. I wonder what I am doing wrong.cont...
Cybersource Instrument Identifier vs Payment Instrument tokens
I'm currently looking into Cybersource's REST API for the tokenization of cards.However, I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the following and could use some advice from those who have already worked with Cybersource and are more familiar...
Can I use my test environment merchant ID and keys to test a flex microform post?
I'm getting started understanding what's required for Cybersource's Flex Microform integration. But to start with, I'm hoping to be able to see a valid response using my merchant ID, shared secret key and the general key that comes with generating th... new key failure
All new keys created in result in failure response:{ "response": { "rmsg": "Authentication Failed" } }Reproduction Steps:Create new Cybersource Test Account here:
Processing a payment from Postman to CyberSource failed in authentication
I'm doing integration between postman and CyberSouce. When doing integration between CyberSource default org and Postman with POST Authorization(Internet) method it is working properly. Also when i POST data from Postman to CyberSource default org th...
Token validation failed Visa X-pay
I need to tweak an API /echatspin /echatrandom {apikey} I am imitating the official document X-Pay Token,but it fail with "Token validation failed" error. { "responseStatus": { "s...
Config Apple Pay on Free Sandbox
According to the guild in this link: Apple Pay ( should be able to config Apple Pay in my Business CenterPayment Configuration > Digital Payment Solutions > Apple Pay and enable Apple PayBut I couldn't find it anywhere.Please tell me...
Issue trying to get merchantDefinedData to work with SOAP transactionProcessor call Solved
Hello!I am using postman and trying to use a SOAP call version 1.130 and i am trying to set the merchantDefinedData/field1 field using the below XML Request ...but i get back a fault. ...
Sandbox returns missing merchant_category_code, usd_outlet_id, usd_termin error for payment api call
Hello, Merchant ID:vishal_propay_australia0001 Request ID:6635726114876762003002Merchant Reference Number :1663572611331When I call a payment API to authorize a payment for AUD currency, I am getting a decline for the following reason. Reason Code:15...
CyberSource Setup in NetSuite
Trying to get our CyberSource Secure Acceptance payment solution set up in our NetSuite environment. Having issues with getting good direction from the NetSuite Team on how to setup everything to process credit card transaction in SCA and the ERP sys...
Cybersource Payment Gateway set multiple redirect url
I am having issues with cybersource payment. I am using omnipay for cybersource. The issue is that my site has multiple locations where payments are collected like while adding credit in the account there is a separate url, while registration page is...
Cybersource Instrument Identifier vs Payment Instrument tokens
I'm currently looking into Cybersource's REST API for the tokenization of cards.Reference:, I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the following and co...
Error while using SOAP API of cybersource
I am trying to use SOAP based Cybersource payment gateway service. Currently I am trying to use Test environment that Cybersource provides for testing sample test credit card transactions.Created a project in SOAP UI using the WSDL : https://ics2wste...
How can I get a Payment Token when using Cybersource SOAP API
I have a test payment with the Cybersource SOAP API like below but I'm not able to get it to return a payment token that I can use for payments in future without using the credit card details each times: {{merchant_id}} {{SOAP KEY}} {{merch...
403 Error in Cybersource - what permissions do we need to call the API
We are trying to call the Cybersource API and are getting the following message: errors: type: forbidden message: Request not permitted(please see image attached).We are using this API
how do you use a credit card flexible token with payments API?
Trying to get my head around how CyberSource works..In CyberSource, the Secure Acceptance Flexible Token API can be used to tokenize a credit card on client-side for processing for future processing.That part is easy enough. There's plenty of documen...
How to log in to business center Solved
Hi,After trying several times and never getting a confirmation email, I have now managed to set up a sandbox test account for the business center. However, the email I received as confirmation lists my Account Id and Merchant Id but does not tell me ...
Sandbox returns missing merchant_category_code error for payment api call.
Hello, Merchant ID:cubic_umo_pass0001 Request ID:6625104137346878103955Merchant Reference Number :TC50171_16When I call a payment api to authorize a payment, I am getting a decline with the following reason. Reason Code:150Reply Message:The following...
Error message for Payment to Qatar 2022 Accommodations
I keep getting “Sorry an error has occurred “ then “Decision is Reject” when trying to pay for accommodations in Qatar for World Cup. Room shows available, all pertinent information is filled out, payment is processed and authorized by my bank, but i...
What is the CyberSource Purpose???
Hello, Cybersource offers a complete portfolio of services that simplify and automate payment operations, including payment processing.
What are the possible Void Payment response statuses?
The api documentation for voiding a Payment has the possible status values as 'VOIDED':statusType stringThe status of the submitted transaction.Possible values:VOIDEDWhen I use the Request: Live Console to test voiding a Payment I receive 'REVERSED' ...
How to add cybersource payment option on my website?
I want to add cyber source payment option on my website Internet offers Now but I don't know how to integrate it. Kindly help me.
"The certificate has expired" from PayPal sandbox
I'm in the process of integrating PayPal payments through Cybersource API. When I click on the button returned from the latter I got redirected to PayPal sandbox website and I'm shown the following error.The certificate has expired. Please use a vali...
HTTP Signature Authentication through Postman
I'm trying to test the 'Post a Payment' API through the Http Signature Authentication as shown on the below link, using the same headers as generated on the below link using Postman.
Python is best in 2022 for coding ?