cybersource APIs
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Where is (and what is) the profile-id?

It seems the Cybersource test site could care less about send the profile-id in the HTTP header.I've also discovered the v-c-merchant-id is actually the Organization ID I see on the Cybersource dashboard. Which makes no sense to me, but whatever....H...


Need help.I have a cybersurce account. When I fill in my API credentials on their console and try to make a transaction I get this error:"errorInformation": {"reason": "DECISION_PROFILE_REJECT","message": "The order has been rejected by Decision Mana...

Issues with the hosted page for billing address

Hi,We have recently implemented the Cybersource payment gateway with the hosted page to enter the billing address and the credit card details. Our installation is in Australia and we have been told the address details will not be used for any validat...

Organization ID vs Merchant ID (Sample API Project)

I'm brand new to CyberSource, so please pardon my stupid questions. I'm attempting to navigate the sample projects from the GitHub page. I've downloaded the master zip file, copied the sample.xml file to the bin folder, and started to edit the necess...

Microform v2 On Change Event

Currently, I am facing an issue with the 'change' event of the Microform. The problem is that I created 2 fields 'number' and 'securityCode' and added an event listener 'change' on both fields. When I started to input or modify the value of the Card ...


Flex Microform: Capture Context

Capture context generator API responds 406 each time, it works fine on postman but is unable to get a successful response from my nodejs codebase. Is there any one who can help?


Difference between org ID or merchant ID

We have been integrating device fingerprinting and the script requires both the org ID and the merchant ID. I can not find any good explanation of what this org ID is, and what the merchant ID is. To me it seems like the merchant ID is the same value...

createTransactionRequest creating profile and charging card

I've seen some other similar posts to this, but not exactly the same.I am calling 'createTransactionRequest' with a transaction type of 'authCaptureTransaction' and I am passing createProfile = true. The calls are succeeding. If I log into CIM, I can...

Unable to create sandbox account

Hello, I am currently unable to create a sandbox account using the following link : time I try to create an account all I get is this :Registration Failed. Please try again.Any ideas? Th...

Flex Microform v2 examples

I spent a month communicating with Cybersource support ticket only to find out that they have not published any sample integration of the Flex Microform v2. Does anyone know where/if one can be found?

API Returns 403 for some but not all endpoints Solved

Hi, I'm using a sandbox environment and I'm trying to generate a payment using an existing token, but am getting a 403 error. I tried the following things.First, I have generated a REST Shared Secret key, and using both HTTP Signature as well as a p1...

Apple Pay CSR

The Apple Pay CSR downloaded from is not accepted by Apple for creating an Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate. Please can I have the new format.CSR algorithm/size...

Is Void a Void possible?

Hi, here is one scenario we want to achieve.1. user placed an order and payment processed.2. user cancelled the order and the payment is void3. user reset the cancellation. Can the void in step 2 be voided?


"message": "Invalid Json Request" in postman response

I'm trying to do a POST request from Postman to cybersource url: I'm getting the below error message{ "submitTimeUtc": "2023-01-18T21:52:02.539Z", "status": "DECLINED", "errorInformation": { "reason"...

.Net SDK PaymentsApi is not returning tokenInformation

We are using the .Net Cybersource SDK to manage tokens and run payments, but when trying to do a request and generate a token the tokenInformation.shippingAddress, tokenInformation.paymentInstrument and tokenInformation.customer fields on the respons...

Webhook Notifications – Not Working – Sandbox Account

We are using Sandbox account to test the webhook notifications so that the set up can be replicated into productionEndpoint URL for the webhook subscription is an Azure Function with HTTP Trigger Issue: We have created a webhook subscription successf...