I have been using hosted checkout for my web app. I would like to use 3ds authentication in my app. After I have checked payer authentication in Payment Settings. I have got the following errors ( Please verify your information ). Could you share me recommended docs or code for me. Or which fields do I need to send to
"https://testsecureacceptance.cybersource.com/embedded/pay" API. Current fields I have been using arefields["profile_id"] = "kkdkdldljkiod......."fields["access_key] = "ssssssssssssss"fields['amount'] = '713'fields['transaction_uuid'] = transaction_uuidfields['bill_to_forename'] = 'aung'fields['bill_to_surname'] = "aung"fields['bill_to_email'] = "aung@gmail.com"fields['payer_ authentication_ whitelisted'] = Truefields["payer_ authentication_ challenge_code"] = "04"fields['locale'] = 'en-us'fields['currency'] = 'sgd'fields['transaction_type'] = 'sale'fields['reference_number'] = 2555004656816356fields['credential_stored_on_file'] = True