Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
intgrate payment method
I'm working on an app where users add a card before making a payment. However, I noticed that even when using a dummy card, it successfully generates a token in live mode, which is unexpected.I want to implement a validation step to check if the card...
Getting error in AuthorizeNet C# nuget package
I'm testing AuthorizeNet for our SAAS in .net 8. I got the following errorSystem.TypeInitializationException: 'The type initializer for 'AuthorizeNet.Util.HttpUtility' threw an exception var controller = new createTransactionController(request); cont...
Secure Acceptance setting to Sale
Hi everyonei am hoping someone can guide me.I would like to know for the Secure Acceptance for the type of transaction, how to set it to SALE as the type to where the settlement happens automatically.I've been manually settling transactions and notic...
Accept Hosted Intermittent Missing Responses
I know there's a few posts about this with no answers, but we've set up Accept Hosted in production. We've had zero issues receiving responses from the testing sandbox. However, in production, this is happening at least 12% of the time and causing ou...
"The transaction was unsuccessful."
Trying to place transactions in Sandbox mode while adding to a site. Copied pretty much exactly the example and it throws this:[{"code":"E00027","text":"The transaction was unsuccessful."}]Here's my actual code (in Laravel):/* Create a ...
All Sandbox accounts are "inactive"?
Since the sandbox issue has been up, we've found that our two sets of sandbox API credentials are returning that the account is inactive. When we try to login to the sandbox or reset our password, we get an error and can't log in.These credentials ha...
Testing a website
Hello,I have a website that accepts credit cards and my developer has been trying to test it. I have been trying to get information and very little is found. Is there a "login key" and "transaction key" that is used for testing purposes? What do we n...
Does this "API Endpoint Breaking Change" affect the php-sdk?
Hello,Does the "API Endpoint Breaking Change" mentioned in the article below affect the php-sdk? context, our application creates transactions on behalf of our customers in...
Apple pay integration into shopify store
You're trying to integrate Apple Pay into your Shopify store, but you're running into issues. You use and ZenPayments to process payments. Shopify provides an option to enable Apple Pay, but when you turn it on, nothing happens.You’ve a...
E00027 There was an error processing the payment data. Opaque data can only be used with ECOM market
I'm using opaqueData from Apple Pay to create a customer profile and subscription. Any idea why I am getting this exception? "E00027 There was an error processing the payment data. Opaque data can only be used with ECOM market "[28-Jan-2025 21:09:38 ...
AcceptHosted Error: inline script violates Content Security Policy directive
When completing a 'Test' payment using the AcceptHosted API ( and using the Iframes and Lightboxes style), the payment completes but the user is not redirected back to the calling site and there's a console error: Refused to execute inline script bec...
Change the Merchant Descriptor
Hello community, does anyone know if it is possible to change the merchant descriptor via API? without having to contact the Payment Processor? Or better yet... does anyone know which payment processor allows changing the CyberSource merchant descrip...
Has Merchant Email Receipt Auto Reply domain name changed?
Has domain name for the Merchant Email Receipt changed from to the emails are getting blocked by Mimecast due to this new domain.Can someone please confirm if this is correct?
PCI Compliant Payment Form Submission without popping up
We are preparing for PCI compliance audit on our sites and looking for PCI compliant methods of using as the payment gateway still. Our hope is to replace the on page block of payment information with a hosted form from your services, b...
Running into CORS Issue in Test environment Solved
We recently started getting an issue while testing AcceptJS in the test environment. We tested with a project that was already in production, which works. When switching the project to test mode, we start getting the below error.Access to XMLHttpRequ...
How to Allow Framing of CyberSource in iframe with CSP frame-ancestors Directive?
I'm working on embedding a page from in an iframe, but I'm encountering the following error:Refused to frame '' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy direct...
Accept js
I am using Option 2 (Embed our hosted, mobile-optimized payment information form in your page to collect the card information in a PCI-DSS SAQ A compliant way) from this page. Is i...
Can't link PayPay with
I am trying to link with PayPal without success. In Sandbox I get this error message on has been an error while processing your request. Please try again.On production I get this error message:Transaction Readiness: Unfortunat...
How to fetch expiration date for pre-authorized transactions
I am currently working on integrating the Authorize.Net payment gateway, and I have a question regarding pre-authorized transactions. Specifically, I would like to understand how to retrieve the expiry date for a pre-authorized transaction.I am aware...
iOS SDK and the BBPOS AWC Walker C3X
Our team has an existing integration with authorize via iOS SDK.I understand that this SDK is deprecated; however, it still works with the old BBPOS chipper readers which our licensees still use. I was hoping to understand if the new BBPOS C3X will w...
Testing overhead?
Something recently occurred to me. Nobody I know who talks about microservices also talks about integration testing and the effect it has on timelines.By integration testing I don't mean "my service can talk to the database I created at the same time...
Integrate with ApplePay and GooglePay via React Native
I am the owner of an App (Fantasy Tennis Club) and trying to integrate ApplePay and GooglePay payments via the App. We currently have credit card payments working via App is developed with 'React Native'. My developer has been unabl...
Google Pay Android Integration Error
Has anyone successfully implemented Google Pay integration with authorization? We've been facing issues for weeks and still haven't had any luck. We followed all the guidelines, but we keep encountering the same error: "Unable to decrypt."Any help wo...
Request for Assistance: Unexpected Error with orderType in Authorize.Net API Versions Above 1.9.6
Hi Developers,We’re encountering a strange issue with the Authorize.Net API in versions higher than 1.9.6 and are looking for suggestions or insights from anyone who has faced something similar. The Problem:When we include the orderType object in the...
Issues with CyberSource Payment Logs Not Syncing Properly with SmartFox Order System
ome payments are logged in CyberSource but do not appear in SmartFox: We can see that certain payments were successfully processed in CyberSource, but they are not reflected in our SmartFox order system, and the corresponding order does not appear in...
Questions Regarding Integration of Authorize.Net Accept Hosted in React Native Mobile App
We are currently using Authorize.Net Accept Hosted (iframe) successfully in our web-based application on a production account. Recently, we began developing a mobile native application using the React Native framework and are planning to integrate Au...
Get subscriptions for a customer profile
How can I get all the subscriptions for a customer profile? I am using node.js and while I can store all that local .. there does not seem to be a way I can query of all subscriptions for give user.. using the profile id??
Getting first name error when creating payment method. I only have name on card
I am using node.js and creating a subscription.When I create the payment method it is requiring a first and last name. They are not required in the portal.. in fact I have zero required fields set in my account portal. when we ask for credit card inf...
Why are there two different JSON response structures returned by
I've observed that occasionally returns JSON responses with varying structures for transactions within the same environment. Specifically:One Structure:The transaction details are provided directly in a flat structure.Example: { "accoun...
Patment getting declined
I have set up integration from salesforce to All transactions go through as expected but Visa. All visa payments are getting declined. It says Declined (Card declined by issuer - Contact card issuer to determine reason.)But the payment...