cybersource APIs
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Transaction event Webhook Documentation

Please share the link for the Cybersource Transaction event webhook for credit card transactions. On searching for them iam either landing on this (which does not have events for transactions) or iam landing on's webhook page.

Error - General system failure

I am trying to understand the cybersource rest api and created a sandbox account, and then got the key, shared secret key along with the organization id for the http signature. I can update the credentials fine on the API reference pagehttps://develo...

Session time after sending post request on Jakarta EE

Hello all,I am trying to send a post request to retreive the checkout page. But everytime i receive session time out page.Can someone had this same issue?public String submit2() throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementExcep...

New Member

Microform integration for saved credit cards?

Does cybersource provide a Mircoform style integration for customers to manage their saved credit cards? The use case would be for a customer to navigate to the "My Payment Methods" in their account profile section of a site and view all their credit...


Authentication Failed when send API to sandbox

Hello,I'm trying to check how the API works. I registered and try to send a request. So, I'm trying to send for example POST First I test API on the page


Library is not coming from Accept server problem is back

Hi.I have this problem starting today:Library is not coming from Accept server--- a7e38542d3a404b4b3ac37a7252bca2e7f3dd724a357aa93ce22f413e74333c3The Accept.js expect the hash 79ec52f0ce86fb27c47d1f860ba62d34ad5fe6cd3778ee0952ac698f52096e81What's hap...


Unable to create a sandbox account

Hi, I'm trying to create a sandbox account but it's not working. I get an error: “registration failed”. What should I do? I need the account urgently

Documentation for Transaction Search API authentication

HiI am working on creating a PoC that would allow a system to synchronize Transaction information. Because of that, I am thinking about using the Transaction Search API (

Need Help with CyberSource Blacklist Issue on

Hello everyone,I've been using to make payments without any issues for several months. However, since March, all my payment methods (including Apple Pay, Play Store, and the ones they offer) are being rejected, even though I can still use ...

Unable to complete test transaction in Sandbox account

I receive this error when testing out the Virtual Terminal - one time payment in my sandbox account..Warning: Transaction DeclinedThe transaction server declined your transaction request.The following property is either invalid or missing: merchant_c...

Credit card authorization error on Sandbox Account

Hi,I'm getting the following error whenever I try and make a credit card authorization on my sandbox account."The following property is either invalid or missing: merchant_category_code, usd_outlet_id, usd_terminal_id"It seems to be the same problem ...

Credit card authorization error on Sandbox Account

Hi,I get below error when trying to authorize a payment on my sandbox and also if i try a one-time payment through virtual terminal on my account"The following property is either invalid or missing: merchant_category_code, usd_outlet_id, usd_terminal...

Testing Webhooks in Sandbox (Cybersource)

Hello, I'm trying to use Secure Acceptance to allow users to setup a card, and then use the API to capture payments on the card.I wanted to be able to listen to webhooks regarding payment events, but so far in Sandbox (https://businesscentertest.cybe...

No way to detect a Duplicate Customer Profile?

How can I get cybersource createCustomerProfile to detect a duplicate?I am able to repeatedly send the exact same information, including the following fields:- buyerInformation.MerchantCustomerID = "1234"- buyerInformation.Email = ""...

sap hybris intergration issues

Hi all,I'm new to Cybersource and I’d like to ask whether the SAP Hybris plugin provided by Cybersource supports Hybris 2211 or higher versions. What payment solution is used in the current extension? While using it, I noticed that the checkout page ...

Welcome Post

Hello CyberSource Community,We are Eastlight Dental, and we're excited to join this community of developers and professionals. As a dental practice that values innovation, we're always looking for new ways to enhance our patient experience, particula...

Cannot Redirect to Accept Hosted URL

Thank you for your help.I'm building a project in TypeScript, React, and Next.js. Please excuse some bad practices as I'm currently trying to get the initial integration working.I have a `/lib/authorizeNet.ts` file with a `getHostedPaymentPageRequest...

Look up a customer Profile by buyerInformation MerchantCustomerID?

Is it possible to look up a customer profile using buyerInformation.MerchantCustomerID?I can do a search but my one and only customer in test is not found (count = 0)The docs here Filtering by Query Parameter ( say buyerInformation.Me...


Cybersource Postman Collection - Prescript Error

Hi,I have searched and found a couple of people had the same issue as me. But all of them said they found the issue and resolved without saying what they found or did.I downloaded Cybersource postman collection from here -> https://documenter.getpost...

Turning off Autocomplete

Hi,One of our clients requested that the Browser autocomplete be removed on sensitive fields like cardnumber,cvv etc. If a user has a card saved on the browser and if the user clicks it, I assume that the autocomplete event is trigged and the cyberso...

Duplicate Vary Header in response

Hello, My rest calls (using the c# rest API) have begun crashing because of a duplicate Vary header being returned from the test environment. For example, a call to GetCustomerPaymentInstrumentsList or GetCustomer results in an exception because of t...