I'm actually working on an iOS integration using the SDK https://github.com/AuthorizeNet/sdk-mpos-ios
The SDK allows for PaymentType with CreditCardTrackType trackData or SwiperDataType swiperData... what would be the point of the trackData with track1/2?
But I suppose this could be just a question that's related to AIM, aside from the iOS SDK world...
The question is, "When would you use the track1/2 data as opposed to encryptedTrackData?"
(fields listed here http://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/ and here http://www.authorize.net/support/AIM_guide_XML.pdf )
08-20-2014 02:24 PM
Hello @blalond
You are correct, it is always preferable to use encrypted data instead of track data when submitting transactions. Encrypted readers must be injected with the Authorize.Net key before they can be used with our gateway.
A list of available encrypted readers is available here: http://www.authorize.net/mobile
08-21-2014 09:08 AM