I'm using the sample ARB code that's posted on this site and it works fine. My question is this:
What if I have 2 people with the same name in the same company. I'm using "BillToFirstname" and "Bill to lastname".
1. I create a subscription for John Smith..Today at 1 PM.
2. Then I create a second subscription for John Smith because we have 2 poeple named that.
3.The second one fails because there's already another John Smith subscription.
How can I make the names unique? should I add an empplyee ID at the end of the last name?? This is the code i have:
sub.payment =
sub.payment.Item = creditCard;
sub.billTo =
sub.billTo.firstName = firstname;
sub.billTo.lastName = lastname;
โ12-12-2012 12:59 PM
โ12-12-2012 01:01 PM