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Auth only transaction succeeds on expired credit card

I am having issue finding a good way to verify whether or not Credit Card is expired using payment gateway.

I used ValidateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest API as documented here - and this only validates the existence of payment profile i believe. Does not validate the credit card expiry.

I tried to do a Auth only transaction using CreateTransactionController as documented here - AuthOnly transaction is allowed on a expired credit card as well, the transaction succeeds.

I also tried using GetCustomerPaymentProfileController as documented here to get the expiration date so i can manually verify but in response i get XXXX, mmdd isnt visible in the response.

This shouldnt be this complicated. Can someone point me to right direction ? I noticed while testing that expired credit card also succeeds and thats when i started testing with ValidateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest and GetCustomerPaymentProfileController to verify. Even the CreateTransactionController to create Auth only transaction succeeds which leaves me surprised.

I did file a support case and i was asked to post here

Here is a snippet of AuthOnly transaction i use


// Step 2: Create the transaction request for authOnly
    $transactionRequestType = new AnetAPI\TransactionRequestType();
    $transactionRequestType->setAmount("0.01");  // Small transaction amount

    // Associate the payment profile
    $paymentProfile = new AnetAPI\CustomerProfilePaymentType();
    $paymentProfile->setPaymentProfile(new AnetAPI\PaymentProfileType());


With this code, i would expect that AuthOnly transaction on expired credit card would fail. I see a success response and i see the transaction on the as well.


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