I need to be able to pre-authorize transactions using authOnlyTransaction method for $0 and the API responds with code 290 "There is one or more missing or invalid required fields". I tried changing amount to $0.01 everything works as expected but with $0. I do have another authorize.net account using the old deprecated AIM and it's working fine there (th same processor). According to Authorize.net this is not related to processor limitation as they do not see $0 transactions hitting their system at all... any ideas?
According to documentation I probably need to set isFirstSubsequentAuth to true but I cannot find the right method that would do that
07-26-2022 09:19 PM
Yes, I think you want Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout API documented here. See page 51 for all the endpoints. If you only want to create a token then the test endpoint is testsecureacceptance.cybersource.com/token/create /echatspin /echatrandom
Follow the below steps to get a new signature key. To know more about the signature key, visit here.
08-24-2022 11:16 PM