Anyone can help me please to resolved my problem now.
The error details please see below:
API Error Code: E00026
Error Code Text: Both trialAmount and trialOccurrences are required.
Description: If either a trial amount or number of trial occurrences is specified then values for both must be submitted.
I give the value of both field, but I still having that error. Im very frustrated this error an like paypal is very easy to configure the trial period.
Example of:
amount = 10 every monthly
TrialInterval.length = 21 days
trialAmount = 7 should be the first payment of the current months subcribe, divided by total of days in month and 10 for every month.
trialOccurrences = 21
Please see my code below:
MerchantAuthenticationType authentication = PopulateMerchantAuthentication();
PaymentScheduleTypeInterval PaymentInterval = new PaymentScheduleTypeInterval();
PaymentInterval.length = b.BillingFrequency;
PaymentInterval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.months;
PaymentScheduleType PaymentSchedule = new PaymentScheduleType();
PaymentSchedule.interval = PaymentInterval;
PaymentSchedule.startDate = b.DateStartedRecurring;
PaymentSchedule.startDateSpecified = true;
PaymentSchedule.totalOccurrences = Convert.ToSByte(b.BillingFrequency);
PaymentSchedule.totalOccurrencesSpecified = true;
CreditCardType creditCard = new CreditCardType();
creditCard.cardNumber = b.CreditCardNumber;
creditCard.expirationDate = b.creditCardExpirYear + "-" + b.CreditCardExpirMonth; // required format for API is YYYY-MM
creditCard.cardCode = b.CVV2;
PaymentType PaymentType = new PaymentType();
PaymentType.Item = creditCard;
ARBSubscriptionType sub = new ARBSubscriptionType();
PaymentScheduleTypeInterval TrialInterval = new PaymentScheduleTypeInterval();
TrialInterval.length = Convert.ToSByte(b.TrialLength);
TrialInterval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.days;
// Free 1-month trial
PaymentScheduleType Ps = new PaymentScheduleType();
Ps.interval = TrialInterval;
Ps.trialOccurrencesSpecified = true;
Ps.trialOccurrences = b.TrialBillingFrequency;
sub.amountSpecified = true;
sub.amount = b.RecurrenceBillingAmount;
sub.trialAmountSpecified = true;
sub.trialAmount = b.trialAmount;
//Billing Info
sub.name = b.SubscriptionDescription;
sub.paymentSchedule = PaymentSchedule;
sub.payment = PaymentType;
sub.billTo = new NameAndAddressType();
sub.billTo.company = b.BusinessName;
sub.billTo.firstName = b.PayerFirstName;
sub.billTo.lastName = b.PayerLastName;
sub.billTo.address = b.ShippingAddress;
sub.billTo.city = b.ShippingCity;
sub.billTo.country = b.ShippingCountry;
sub.billTo.state = b.ShippingState;
sub.billTo.zip = b.ShippingZipCode;
sub.customer = new CustomerType();
sub.customer.email = b.EmailAddress;
sub.customer.phoneNumber = b.PhoneNumber;
ARBCreateSubscriptionResponseType response;
response = _webservice.ARBCreateSubscription( authentication, sub );
if( response.resultCode == MessageTypeEnum.Ok )
bResult = true;
bResult = false;
I need you any feedback ASAP thanks.
07-10-2011 08:19 AM
The trial occurrences object PaymentScheduleType Ps is not getting use.
Shouldn't it use the PaymentScheduleTypeInterval PaymentInterval and PaymentScheduleType PaymentSchedule for the trial?
07-11-2011 04:28 AM