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Can you help me with the field name to retrieve

I am using Redirect method in Accepted Host Payment. While generating the token, I am sending the merchant data using "userFields".


My Code : /***************************************************************************/ userField[] userdata = new userField[6]; userdata[0] = new userField(); userdata[0].name = "merchantDefinedData1"; userdata[0].value = merchantDefinedData1; userdata[1] = new userField(); userdata[1].name = "merchantDefinedData2"; userdata[1].value = merchantDefinedData2; userdata[2] = new userField(); userdata[2].name = "merchantDefinedData3"; userdata[2].value = merchantDefinedData3; userdata[3] = new userField(); userdata[3].name = "merchantDefinedData4"; userdata[3].value = merchantDefinedData4; userdata[4] = new userField(); userdata[4].name = "merchantDefinedData5"; userdata[4].value = merchantDefinedData5; userdata[5] = new userField(); userdata[5].name = "merchantDefinedData6"; userdata[5].value = orderNo; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // authorize capture only amount = amount, amountSpecified = true, userFields = userdata }; /***************************************************************************/


The token generation, redirecting to payment page, showing receipt all are fine.


After showing the receipt, it is successfully coming back to my page. But here how to retrieve "userFields".


Can you help me with the field name to retrieve ?
