When we are Charge a Customer Profile our Transaction Status on Authorize.net sendbox account is Captured/Pending Settlement also Card Code Status showing a Not Processed.
When i print response we are getting a Message : This transaction has been approved but we are not able to charge customer at that time.
Ajit Singh
09-03-2021 02:17 AM
Hello Everyone,
We are using Authorize.net SDK Version 2.0.2 in PHP to charge customer cards. To charge customer card in two steps.
Step-1: First we create a customer profile with customer & card details using the below controller action.
$controller = new AnetController\CreateCustomerProfileController($request);
In $request veriable we will set all details like setCardNumber, setExpirationDate, setCardCode and customer details.
When we send transaction request on Autorize.net in response we will get below conformation message.
Now customer profile is successfully created on the out portal with CustomerProfileId and CustomerPaymentProfileIdList.
Step-2: Now we create transaction requests using CustomerProfileId and CustomerPaymentProfileIdList with the below controller action.
$controller = new AnetController\CreateTransactionController($request);
In $request variable we will send CustomerProfileId, CustomerPaymentProfileIdLis, Amount, Invoice Number etc. On successful transaction requests, we will get the below message in response.
"messages":{"message":[{"code":"1","description":"This transaction has been approved."}]}
But the customer will not get charged. Also when we check the invoice on the autorize.net portal it is showing "Card Code Status: Not Processed".
Anyone, please look into it and let me know if I am missing anything.
Note: Not all requests get this issue some of our customers will be successfully charged and some of our clients are not processed.
01-23-2022 09:57 PM