We are currently using AIM, but we are looking for a more secure transaction method.
We definitly want to host our own form.
That being the case, is DPM still the best way to handle a sales transaction using a custom self-hosted form?
From reading posts here about it, it seems to have been moved to the back of the class as to documentation and such.
Wondering if I'm missing something?
06-08-2016 08:03 AM
Hello @fifty-git
Yes, DPM is still a supported integration method, but we have something much better that will be available in the new few weeks that offers you complete control over the user experience while helping reduce pci scope for your integration.
It's currently in private beta, so we're really, really close.
06-08-2016 08:21 AM
Thanks - what would be the best way to know when it's released, will customers be notified?
06-08-2016 08:27 AM
When the new solution is released, it will be announced in our developer blog.
06-08-2016 09:09 AM