I am trying to test our webpage before we go live and cannot figure out why I keep getting Error 14. The URL I have entered in the relay reponse area is valid.
I cannot even get to the authorize.net page to enter my credit card info.
Any tips?
(Our website is in wordpress, with e-commerce, where we accept authorize.net as a form of payment).
04-10-2013 08:15 AM
does it match the entry in the merchant account settings?
04-10-2013 08:22 AM
I set it up in the merchant account settings in authorize.net and am trying to see if there is a place in the wordpress coding where it "points" to a link. I think it must be hard coded in to the theme in wordpress, but I'm having a tough time finding it.
04-10-2013 08:32 AM
don't wordpress have help/setup section for that addon?
04-10-2013 08:40 AM
Unfortunately they dont...and the theme we are using is no longer available so I cant find any info about anything in the coded section that may be redirecting the relay to another URL.
04-10-2013 02:15 PM
Can you at least see where the x_relay_url is? You should be able to see that on the form post to authorize.net and use the browser page source, maybe then you can use that to search the code.
04-10-2013 04:30 PM