Well I got past most of the hurdles using the CIM API and things are finally picking up steam.
One of the requirements is to authorize a transaction using the cc number and other details that are provided by the customer on our site. I am using the CP API (since I do not need to create a customer account for this) Questions:
1. Do I need a CP account for this?
2. When I send the request over to AuthorizeNet the response has an error code 85 and the reason text is "The market type is invalid". This is my request string that I am sending over
Am I missing anything here?
07-19-2011 11:33 AM
Well turned out that I did not have a Card Present (CP) account. Requested a CP test account and the call seems to be working fine. Although the AuthorizationCode is 000000 ? Is this the expected behavior for a test trans using the CP API?
07-20-2011 07:08 AM