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GetHostedPaymentPageController executeWithApiResponse returns null (php)

When calling executeWithApiResponse on the GetHostedPaymentPageController the response is null. Everything was working properly, then suddenly it just stopped returning a valid object.

MacBook Pro running Sonoma 14.6.1
AcceptSuite SDK 2.0.0 (PHP)
PHP 8.2.0 (which has been working fine for three weeks)
MAMP 6.9

I switched to PHP 7.4.33 with no success.
I reverted my code to a prior version with no success.
I updated to the September SDK release (ANetEnvironment.php says 2.0.2, but the release label says 2.0.4) with no success.

I uploaded my current project code to a staging environment and it works properly, so this seems to be an issue with my local configuration.

This issue just started without any *known* changes to my environment, so I'm not sure if there's a corruption on my local machine.

Is there a way to troubleshoot this? I saw an old thread that suggested calling a "GetErrorResponse" method on the controller for .NET framework, however it doesn't appear that this PHP version supports this method. I'd love to have some troubleshooting options before I start tearing everything down and rebuilding.




Update: I was able to view an error returned on the CURL execution and this is the message:

"SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired"

I have a self-signed root certificate, and am able to load https in my browser, so I'm uncertain what the issue is. The expiration of the certificate is 2030. Is there a new validation that's occurring in the AnetApi that would affect self-signed certs? This was working literally hours ago. In the mean time I will try creating a new certificate to see if this fixes things...


I'm having the same issue.

I'm getting a tls error, Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel, certificate is invalid.

This started last night around 9:40pm eastern US.

 I noticed cert has as expired chained certificate that expired around the same time I started having problems.


New Member

The problem is on's end:

Looks like they may have just fixed it by installing a new (unexpired) certificate.



Indeed, this morning it is working again. Odd how it worked from a hosted server but not localhost, and I do not wish to become an expert on certificates to learn why.

Maybe your localhost was hitting their test api.