I am using node.js and creating a subscription.
When I create the payment method it is requiring a first and last name. They are not required in the portal.. in fact I have zero required fields set in my account portal.
when we ask for credit card information we only ask for Name on card. that can be a business name. We do not collect first and last and address. We only collect card info, card number, name on card, expiry data, cvv, and zip.
How can I create the payment profile and not require the first and last?
Also, I am not able to find the field for name on card.
const creditCard = new APIContracts.CreditCardType();
creditCard.setCardNumber(cardNumber.replaceAll(' ', ''));
if (cardCode) {
//where is name on card?
const paymentType = new APIContracts.PaymentType();
const paymentProfile = new APIContracts.CustomerPaymentProfileType();
const createRequest = new APIContracts.CreateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest();
const ctrl = new APIControllers.CreateCustomerPaymentProfileController(createRequest.getJSON());