We have received an email that will no longer allow HTTP GET methods for transaction requests. Does this mean that we simply need to update the transact.dll URL in our code or does it mean I need to do a complete payment system revamp?
06-09-2016 05:40 AM
The URL would be the same, it how you passing the param.
06-09-2016 07:10 AM
I'm sorry, but this will be my first time working with the API. Could you provide an example of what is and is not correct?
06-09-2016 07:24 AM
@chrisdrzal It's hard to get into specifics without knowing much more about your development environment, scripting languages, etc.
But, I hope this link helps explain the difference:
In brief: You shouldn't use parameterized URLs to submit API information to Transact. Instead, you should use the HTTP body of the request to submit that information.
If you do have some details to share about your integration, the community may be able to assist you with the specific changes you need to make.
06-09-2016 08:19 AM
@Lilith thanks for your response. A little background; this is a legacy web application. I say legacy, but in truth its just old - very old. After a little investigating today, it looks like wants me to use WebClient.OpenWrite as opposed to WebClient.OpenRead. Below is the code in question:
StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder("?x_delim_data=True"); string gatewayUrl = ""; string versionNumber = "3.1"; BankResponse br = new BankResponse( _payment ); /* Some code to build the uri string */ WebClient wc = new WebClient(); // Build the uRI string Uri = gatewayUrl + uri.ToString(); try { // Perform the web GET operation StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wc.OpenRead(Uri)); br.GenericResponseCode = GenericResponseTypes.MAPError; br.BankData = sr.ReadToEnd(); /* Code to interpret the response */ } catch (Exception e) {....} return br;
My question now is, how can I implement OpenWrite and still get the response code this method requires?
06-09-2016 11:47 AM
did so web search, it look like what you need
06-09-2016 12:07 PM
I've been struggling with this as well.
When I pass the parameters as an array via cURL to, I get a "merchant login id or password invalid" error. However, if I switch it back to sending a url encoded string, it works.
I can't seem to piece any of the documentation together to get the right combination of sandbox urls and correct cURL settings. Any ideas?
06-09-2016 01:00 PM
you mean like
06-09-2016 01:43 PM
Yes, I remember going through that article as well. However, if this is the model you use, I will try it again and follow it exactly.
06-09-2016 01:49 PM
there are sample on php curl site to
06-09-2016 01:58 PM