I am converting to Accept Hosted for our phone order customers. I have created a customer profile with createCustomerProfileRequest where the only information is our customer id and a payment profiles consisting of only credit card number and expiration date. For the sale’s rep to update card expiration date I redirect to https://test.authorize.net/customer/editpayment. The edit page loads with asterisks only on card number and expiration. But after updating the expiration date and clicking save the error message “Address and Zip are required” appears. How do I get an expiration date change to go through without a billing address. I have the sandbox Enhanced Address Verification setting to Allow transactions to be submitted without a billing address. (Haven’t tested yet.) Is there another sandbox setting?
05-24-2018 02:46 PM
So I did update the payment profile using the customer billing address and no longer had problems with updating the credit card expiration date. My problem is that we only keep one billing address per account, but the account might cover multiple locations. The billing address is associated with invoiced accounts, but individual locations may make a purchase and pay via a credit card. The address associated with the credit card may not be the same as the address associated with billed invoices.
I don't have billng addresses based on credit cards. For now I will use the invoice address and hope that there are account settings that will turn off address verifications.
06-06-2018 03:17 PM
One last note. I can go into Customer Information Manager and change a credit card expiration date with out address and zip.
Is there anthing else in account settings that I can do in order to use the hosted form to update credit card expiration dates. I don't want to put in the customer billing address in for each credit card. It might now match the credit card billing address and I don't have the credit card billing address in our database.
07-09-2018 10:40 AM