When we attempt to process payments using the Hosted Payment Form, all transaction are returning 'Unexpected error. Please try again.' upon clicking pay.
We are utilizing the .NET SDK with package v2.0.1.
Our transaction requestion is as follows:
Dim transactionRequest As New transactionRequestType() With {
.amount = AuditRecord.Amount,
.transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString,
.poNumber = AuditRecord.Id,
.order = New orderType() With {.invoiceNumber = Left(AuditRecord.InvoiceNumbers, 20), .description = .invoiceNumber}}
We are getting the successful token and presenting the form. However, upon entring test card information the form is invalid with 'Unexpected error. Please try again.'
We have tried all test card varieties (Visa, Master,Discover, etc)
01-25-2021 08:01 AM
Can i add same method to my popeyes menu site which is based on menu and information.
03-23-2022 05:26 AM