I forked a project, applied several fixes and created a pull request which was accepted. A few days later, another change was made by another contributor. So my fork doesn't contain that change.
How can I get that change into my fork? Do I need to delete and re-create my fork when I have further changes to contribute? Or is there an update button?
02-14-2022 04:13 AM
The "tabula rasa" method.
Keep around the SHA of the "one commit" (or two, three, ...) which are your code and you'd like to submit to the original repo: go to your branch, do a git log and find it / keep it copied somewhere.
find the git url for the original upstream codebase; the one you forked from, not your github clone. say it's git://git.github.com/foo/bar
git remote add upstream git://git.github.com/foo/bar
git fetch
git checkout master
git reset --hard upstream/master (this makes local "master" be same as upstream's master)
git checkout -b your-snazzy-branch-name
git cherry-pick SHA_OF_YOUR_COMMITS
git push origin your-snazzy-branch-name
open a pull request for your-snazzy-branch-name
02-14-2022 08:45 PM