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How to do Paypal integration through in c# web application?


We are working in a web application with C# where we have incorporated for credit card payments and it is working as perfect as we want.

Now we need to implement Paypal integration through in our website. For that we are following  to achive the same. Here we are following PayPal Express Checkout >> AUTHORIZATION AND CAPTURE process. Also we are following (AUTHORIZATION AND CAPTURE section)to achive the same.

But the problem we are facing that at the run time the application is not asking for Paypal Gateway. Means when the code is firing , it is completing the process successfully without asking the paypal payment gatway login or any card details. Now my questing is how it will be redirect to the paypal gateway so that user can login and can choose their card. and after every transaction it is giving us the response as"Need payer consent". 

How to resolve the problem and how to redirected to Paypal gateway through


While it used to be necessary with to do things, with PayPal it doesn't really require (for our purposes, your mileage may be different) from them other than that your stuff is set up. All it takes is to put some well-formatted information in the url:


string serverResponse;

WebResponse wResp = request.GetResponse( );

using ( Stream datStream = wResp.GetResponseStream( ) ) using ( StreamReader datSReader = new StreamReader( datStream ) ) serverResponse = datSReader.ReadToEnd( );

this.Response = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(serverResponse);

IsSuccess = this.Response.Get( "RESULT" ) == "0"; if ( !IsSuccess ) MessageBox.Show( "RESULT != 0: RESULT = " + this.Response.Get Response.Get ("RESULT"));

return IsSuccess;

This code, in its form before it was changed, came straight from the guys at PayPal and made it much easier to manage transactions through a windows form app.


Payment gateways in WooCommerce are class based and can be added ... that then redirects them to the payment processor on the gateway's own website. ... DPM; iFrame based – This is when the gateway payment ... Payment gateways should be created as additional plugins that hook into WooCommerce. Myhr Savers Login 
