I want to integrate GooglePay to my BigCommerce Store. I'm using Authorize.net as a payment gateway.
I had a chance to research if it's possible, but from those links below I wonder if it's impossible.
https://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/Integration-and-Testing/Google-Pay-integration-with-Aut... https://developers.google.com/pay/api/#participating-processors /echatspin /echatrandom
They say "Authorize.net is not supporting GooglePay"
I'm wondering because auth.net supports GooglePay and there's even a setting in auth.net to setup GooglePay. So I'm wondering if I can customize BigCommerce to implement it.
Please let me know if it's possible or not, and if possible please help me to figure it out.
โ09-26-2022 10:34 PM