I am using a sandbox/developer account to do some testing. Using the ruby API, I am trying to void a transaction. I don't think I have changed anything on my end from what I can tell that would be causing this. It was working yesterday. Is it possible that there is an outage on the dev server?
This was the response I got from calling void_transaction()
{:success=>false, :failure_step=>:void_transaction, :error_code=>3, :message=>"Internal error", :error_key=>:internal_error, :original_error_code=>nil, :original_message=>"An error occurred during processing. Please try again.", :user_error=>false}
08-29-2017 08:01 AM
Thank you, this describes the exact scenario I am dealing with. I will keep checking back for an update.
08-29-2017 11:02 AM
@zherbert I think they may have fixed it now - from what I've tested on my sandbox, it seems to be working.
08-29-2017 02:18 PM
I can confirm that this has been fixed on our end. Thanks very much to @zherbert and @SambraveTheWise for alerting us here!
08-29-2017 02:27 PM