When trying to map invoice and description from Salesforce to the Authorize.net transaction the Error=00003 occurs. Using Apex for payment transactions from the Salesforce environment to connect with Authorize.
Error code states transactionrequest has invalid child element 'payment' in namespace.
Here is what we are currently using in current sandbox:
'"refId": "1234561",'+
'"transactionRequest": {'+
'"transactionType": "authCaptureTransaction",'+
'"amount": "'+Amount+'",'+
'"order": {'+
'"invoiceNumber": "'+invoice.Name+'",'+
'"description": "'+lstopp[0].Name+'"'+
Would like to map this to
Order Information | |
Invoice #: | "'+invoice.Name+'",'+ |
Description: | "'+lstopp[0].Name+'"'+ |
Any thoughts?
10-25-2021 09:52 AM