Did my first Production credit card charge.
I get a receipt. At bottom of page it has
Merchant Contact information
How can I change/ stop that from being printed on the page?
Actually I would like to remove the Email from the Merchant Contact Information.
In Sandbox, this info was never printed on the receipt.
In fact the email receipt in SANDBOX does not look anything like the receipt on PRODUCTION.
How can I get a receipt from Sandbox that looks like Production receipt?
07-17-2020 04:51 AM
The receipt settings are available in the Merchant Interface under Settings.
1. Log into the Merchant Interface http://login.authorize.net
2. Click on Settings on the left hand side
3. Select Email Receipt
Please note that a transaction request can also send email receipt parameters and settings that override the Merchant Interface settings. If you find that the above is not working, then look into what parameters are being sent in the transaction request.
10-20-2020 03:06 PM