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Is anyone familiar with a service called subcriptionbridge? I tried to find as much information on them on the web as possible but haven't found much except for them asking some questions on these forums when they were developing the service.


Itis my understanding that they handle the ARB API integration and host the pages to lessen the PCI burden on their customers. They also add in the dunning, etc. and customer update interface that we are very interested in.


Our subscriptions are all manually created in ARB so the option of keeping that same system rather than doing an export into another system like Chargify, Recurly, Braintree, etc. we could keep things as is. 


Has anyone had any experience with this service? Any alternatives (hooking into ARB directly) that you've heard of that we could compare?



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Administrator Administrator

Hi Jessica,


I work at SubscriptionBridge.  We work with ARB so you can keep just about everything the same.  What you'll get with our service are a lot of extra features for managing your subscriptions.  I recommend you sign up for our 90 day free trial to determine if it is a good fit.


Best Regards,

Matt Weber


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