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TLS 1.2 Migration

I have an existing application which uses the AuthorizeNet DLL to allow users to make credit card payments.  What do I need to do to migrate to TLS 1.2?  If I start using the newest DLL can I be sure my application will still work after February 28?  If so, which version do I need?  If not, what do I need to do?


If your application requires the use of the SDK, it should be using the newest version of the SDK. 


Being able to make a TLS 1.2 connection is not only determined by your application, it is also dependent on your server environment and how it is configured. You can check your server's TLS 1.2 support by using one of the methods outlined at :

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This is a PC-based application, so I'm not sure what you mean by "server". Are there changes we need to make to each PC the application runs on?

PC or server,  the configuration for making an http request to would be the same. You may not need to make any modifications, test with the referenced code examples. 

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Hi, we have a site that processes payments through making a post to the url, as of 03/01/2018, it is giving error when trying to process the payments, specifically the following error: "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL / TLS secure channel." I understand why I read that you have to configure the environment to start using TLS 1.2, which I did by applying the Microsoft fix that enables this functionality on the server and restarted it. The question is, is there any other modification that needs to be done to make it work again? Thank you so much.

Lets see the code you are using.

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I had this problem, too.  I searched the web site and found that others had the same problem.  One solution was to add this code before sending the web request:


// This is necessary to avoid the message
// "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."
const SslProtocols _TLS12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
const SecurityProtocolType TLS12 = (SecurityProtocolType)_TLS12;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = TLS12;


If you're using the sample code in the SDK, put this right at the top of the SendRequest method.

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