Your documentation here has a link to the Federal Reserve routing numbers, that link is now dead (404):
Routing Numbers can be found at the Federal Reserve Bank Account website.
They recently changed their website.
This is the closest I could find:
12-19-2017 11:27 AM
Hi @bendiy
Appreciate your careful attention to the details.
I tried out the link and noticed that it shows the following message temporarily:
If you are not redirected to a new page in 10 seconds please try one of the following:
- Click the back button to try another link
- Use the navigation bat at the top to navigate to a different area.
- Use the search field above, top right corner of this page
If you are still having trouble finding what you need, please contact us at
and then successfully routes me to the page:
I will let the documentation team know about this though.
~ Rajvi
12-20-2017 04:12 PM
Thanks for pointing this out @bendiy. While the documentation team works on fixing this, here are a few test US bank routing numbers that I found online -- 021000021, 011401533, 091000019. You can use them for your testing, in case you are blocked. Cheers!
12-21-2017 05:13 AM