I want to ask about correctness my business payment flow, because in europe it seems to looking different. In start Im creating a customer profile fo user. In next step user adding on my website card data (card number, expiration date and CVV for validation) and my site create customer payment profile. After that when user buy something on my website i can charge that customer profile without asking for any confirmation (like CVV or else)? If yes then it is expire (for exaple when card exiration time pass) or it has limit of use? Every interaction with Authorize.net is via API.
04-16-2021 08:37 AM
Okay, this is the face of every business that creates a customer billing profile.
Look, the point is as follows. Yes, when registering a user and further entering payment data - the client specifies all data, including the card's CVV-code.
There are recurring payments that are made automatically every month (like a fee for music services). And there are irregular ones, when the client pays manually, when the client needs confirmation (as a rule, this is an SMS code to a smartphone).
The validity period of your payment client profile is directly equal to the validity period of the card. As soon as the card expires, the client is actually insolvent for you (until he updates his payment details).
All the best,
Jim Auditor
05:15 AM
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11:24 AM