I have a business requirement to allow users to update their billing address only, not having to reenter the credit card details.
I have similar functionality that updates the credit card only, leaving the old billing address, and it works.
When I execute the code below I get an error: E00027 - (TESTMODE) The credit card has expired.
Here's my code:
// fetch current payment profile Transaction transaction = merchant.createCIMTransaction(TransactionType.GET_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_PROFILE); transaction.setCustomerProfileId(customerProfileId); transaction.setCustomerPaymentProfileId(paymentProfileId); Result<Transaction> result = (Result<Transaction>) merchant.postTransaction(transaction); final net.authorize.data.cim.PaymentProfile currPaymentProfile = result.getCustomerPaymentProfile(); currPaymentProfile.setBillTo(newBillingAddress); // save billing address updates transaction = merchant.createCIMTransaction(TransactionType.UPDATE_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_PROFILE); transaction.setCustomerProfileId(customerProfileId); transaction.addPaymentProfile(currPaymentProfile); transaction.setValidationMode(ValidationModeType.TEST_MODE); result = (Result<Transaction>) merchant.postTransaction(transaction); result.printMessages();
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong here?
I couldn't find a real documentation for the SDK, but according to the XML and SOAP docs, fetching the existing payment profile, and filling in the updates should be OK, even though the CC details are masked.
If it helps, I use the following SDK version:
<dependency> <groupId>net.authorize</groupId> <artifactId>anet-java-sdk</artifactId> <version>1.4.5</version> </dependency>
10-02-2011 07:16 AM - edited 10-02-2011 07:18 AM
It's been over 2 years since this issue was reported. Is the Java SDK still being maintained by AuthorizeNet? Any issues with forking it to GitHub so it can be maintained by the community?
01-14-2014 12:11 PM
This issue is now resolved and an updated SDK is available from GitHub: https://github.com/AuthorizeNet/sdk-java/
04-02-2014 06:50 AM
Very nice.
We abandoned your service by now, but at least others will this fixed, assuming that it is fixed now.
I find it very sad that I provided a patch for this issue 3 years ago, and it was only addressed now. Very very very sad.
Meh, may this be a lesson for those who stayed with you :P
04-04-2014 12:36 PM