Authorize.Net will be upgrading access to the Internet connections that serve our data centers. Instead of allowing direct connections, all Internet traffic will be routed through Akamai, a third-party cloud network service that routes and delivers Internet traffic.
The new Akamai transaction URLs that are available now are: /omeglz
How would I go about upgrading my current system to use these?
require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php'; define("AUTHORIZENET_API_LOGIN_ID", $authLogin); define("AUTHORIZENET_TRANSACTION_KEY", $authKey); //Set to true for test account, set to false for real account define("AUTHORIZENET_SANDBOX", false); $sale = new AuthorizeNetAIM; $sale->amount = $rate; $sale->card_num = $ccnumber; $sale->exp_date = $ccexpire; $sale->card_code = $cccvv; $response = $sale->authorizeOnly(); //If approved, use this for getting the transaction ID. if ($response->approved) { $transaction_id = $response->transaction_id; require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php'; define("AUTHORIZENET_API_LOGIN_ID", $authLogin); define("AUTHORIZENET_TRANSACTION_KEY", $authKey); $subscription = new AuthorizeNet_Subscription; $subscription->name = "Monitoring"; $subscription->intervalLength = "1"; $subscription->intervalUnit = "months"; $subscription->startDate = $subStartDate; $subscription->totalOccurrences = "9999"; $subscription->amount = $rate; $subscription->creditCardCardNumber = $ccnumber; $subscription->creditCardExpirationDate= $ccexpire; $subscription->creditCardCardCode = $cccvv; $subscription->billToFirstName = $firstname; $subscription->billToLastName = $lastname; $request = new AuthorizeNetARB; $response = $request->createSubscription($subscription); $subscription_id = $response->getSubscriptionId();
12-06-2022 07:49 PM