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accept.js and CVV filter

Does the Enhanced Card Code Verification (CVV) Handling filter work with Accept.js? When using it to decline "N" (Does NOT match), I can get the payment nonce when sending the card #, exp date, and CVV, but then my request to update a customer profile fails. The fraud filter declines the transaction and the transaction Card Code Status shows "Not Processed".


Just wondering if anyone has been able to get CVV to work with Accept.js.


In my testing, it works the way I would expect.


Scenario 1: I have the filter set to decline a card with a CCV that doesn't match


1. If I send a card with a correct CCV, I get a nonce, then send a request to update the payment profile using that nonce. Validation is successful.

2. If I send a card with an incorrect CCV, I get a nonce, then send a request to update the payment profile using that nonce. Validation is unsuccessful because the validation transaction is declined.


Scenario 2: I turn off the filter


1. If I send a card with a correct CCV, I get a nonce, then send a request to update the payment profile using that nonce. Validation is successful.

2. If I send a card with a correct CCV, I get a nonce, then send a request to update the payment profile using that nonce. Validation is successful.


If this doesn't match what you're seeing, can you please elaborate with a little more detail?

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