I am using the create transaction API along with CIM to create a customer profile and payment profile in the same transaction as the card authorization. I would like to retrieve the last 4 digits of the credit card within this same transaction. I am also using accept js to get a token/payment nonce to create the payment profile.
The documentation states that the card information can be retrieved, however i suspect that this is only if the card information is in the payload for the createTransaction request as i dont see it in the response of the transaction.
Is there any way to do this or would i need to make a separate call to getPaymentProfile api.
โ02-10-2021 08:32 PM
The encrypted card data, including the last 4 digits of the card is returned in the initial response when using the hosted Accept.js.
It looks like:
{ "opaqueData": { "dataDescriptor": "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", "dataValue": "eyJjb2RlIjoiNTBfMl8wNjAwMDUzNUE1OTkzREQ1NEM1NzY0OTgwNTZDQzY5MEVBRjY5MTU3RjBEQThEMjU2N0EyQkUwMUNBNzQ5QkY0ODRDMTgyMjRGN0IzMEE4REI2MUJDQUI1NDMxMTZCNzkwOUM3OUMwIiwidG9rZW4iOiI5NTA3OTE3MzE1NTg5OTYzOTA0NjA0IiwidiI6IjEuMSJ9" }, "messages": { "resultCode": "Ok", "message": [{ "code": "I_WC_01", "text": "Successful." }] }, "encryptedCardData": { "cardNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXXX1111", "expDate": "12/22", "bin": "411111" }, "customerInformation": { "Ellen": "", "Johnson": "" }
โ02-12-2021 06:25 AM
Thanks for your response, however I am using a custom form.
โ02-15-2021 11:49 AM