I'm working on converting our java - AIM - key-value pair payments to the SDK / API and am having trouble mapping two variables over to the SDK.
1. X_DESCRIPTION - we used this field to identifiy what part of the application the charge was originating from.
2. merchant_defined_field[1-6] These contain a range of notices for the customer.
I would think these go in the TransactionRequestType - userFields, but they don't get retained by the gateway.
Tom Z
02-27-2017 11:13 AM
You should be able to find the description in the "order" object, along with invoice number.
The useFields are the direct replacement for merchant defined fields. These fields are not stored for the name/value pair API either, they are only echoed back to you with the API response.
03-01-2017 12:24 PM