Hello everyone. I need some help with the basics of Authorize.net.
I am a developer working for a new start up company and they need automated billing on their website. I recommended them sign up for authorize.net as I have worked with it before (at least, on the programming side I have). They threw me into the middle of setting up their account and everything, and I'm just getting kind of lost and having an enxiety attack over this stuff!
I have a few questions if anyone could help that would be great.
1) Sandbox account - I have created a sandbox account to play with Authorize.net's automated billing programming (I've worked with their payment systems before but not with the automated billing). I uploaded Authorize.net's sample files (the PHP SDK files, PHP ARB XML zip) and when I try to submit an automated order, I get the following message:
Response Text: Automated Recurring Billing is not enabled.
I'm assuming that I can't test automated billing with a sandbox account. Is there no way to turn this on in Sanbox mode?What is the point of it then? I have no idea how the systems works and I'm supposed to test this on their live system/account?
2) When an automated billing payment is made - I understand how to submit and cancel orders in the system, but how do I know when Authorize.net charges someone for a monthly payment (and if a payment is declined)? I wanted to run a daily cron job to check when users were billed so their website can generate an invoice on our end. I also want to know if a payment was declined so we can give them the option to update their CC information.
I think that's it for the technical questions. I have to get these people to get the merchant account too somehow... thanks for any help.
08-15-2014 11:13 PM
1)login https://sandbox.authorize.net/
enabled it under account settings
2)setup silent post,
or if you want to check it the day of it and all your daily transactions under 1000, there http://developer.authorize.net/api/transaction_details/ for the unsettled
if you can check it the day after, you can use the settled which don't have a max transactions.
Also, if you want even more control, there
08-16-2014 05:33 AM - edited 08-16-2014 05:35 AM
Hello Raynor, thank you for the response, unfortunately there is no way to turn on the automated billing on a sandbox account. I went under account settings as you asked and there are no links to enable the automated billing function for a sandbox account. I've read the doumentation as well and it looks like I'm doing everything right, for some reason you just can't test automated recurring billing on a sandbox account. I may have to recommend the people I work for to go with a different payment gateway because this service is becoming too frustrating to work with.
08-17-2014 11:13 PM
Just double check, it wasn't under Account settings, it just on the left sidebar "Home" tab when you login
08-18-2014 04:19 AM