The receipt page for our site has accept hosted with not using the IFrame. I redirect the customer with the token to The line below the Company Name on the receipt says, "Invalid Date May XX, 2018 XX:XX:XX PM", where X is the number for date or time. Below this line is, "Thank-you for your business!" followed by the price of the transaction. Everything else on the receipts is fine and transactions are going though fine. The only thing that I am wondering about is to why it would be saying "Invalid Date". I have looked through my code that creates the token for the form and posts it to, however, the only line I know of that deals with the receipt is the "show receipt: true" followed by the return address on success and cancel. Any suggestions or reasons why?
โ05-31-2018 02:33 PM
Update: I have run another card through the payment again and did not get the "Invalid Date" on my receipt. I also ran some sandbox tests without getting the "Invalid Date". I am still wondering what could have caused this to appear as I do have a print out with this on the receipt.
โ06-01-2018 01:15 PM