Did you know you can integrate your merchant solutions to the Authorize.Net Payment Gateway and expand your business opportunities through our strategic partner programs? Authorize.Net has two different certification programs designed to help developers like you promote your businesses. Both programs are free and provide you with a way to generate new leads and strengthen your distribution. Depending on your service you can become a Certified Solution Provider or a Certified Developer.
Certification can help you promote your business while gaining credibility and differentiating yourself from your competitors. Certifications are based upon established criteria and determined by our Integration Services team. For additional information, check out http://www.authorize.net/solutions/partnersolutions/.
If you are interested in certifying your solution with Authorize.Net, you can click the name of the program above that you are interested in to find out the necessary steps to get certified. If you have any questions, you can e-mail developer@authorize.net or post them here in the Certification Programs board.
Authorize.Net Developer Community Manager
A) Great info thanks!!!
B) Even better Avatar, saweet!
09-11-2009 05:34 AM
Is there a way to speak to someone in the certification department? I have yet to receive any sort of email or response to my submissions. Please advise, Thanks.
10-02-2009 10:22 AM
Great idea...
I've started the forms and got the auto email.
I look forward to getting this done and on the site.
11-19-2009 12:15 PM
Working towards my Developer Certification and I'm wondering the best method for submitting items like my Privacy and Security policy, as well as my Merchant Reference? If I simply e-mail certify@authorize.net, what information do you require in order to identify me, for example, do you just need my company name, or maybe my test account info?
Thanks for your help,
Anthony Mangini
12-02-2009 12:21 PM
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for joining our community! If you have info you need to submit to complete your certification, you can just email certify@authorize.net as you mentioned. Just be sure to include your name and your company name, and then we'll get back to you if we need further information.
12-04-2009 11:40 AM
Perfect, thanks!
12-04-2009 12:37 PM
Just wanted to check in. I submitted my application on December 2nd , and my Merchant Reference and Privacy and Security policies on December 4th . I just want to make sure everything was received okay?
One more question, is there a fax number I should use to submit the signed Partner Agreement and if so, how should I best address the fax so that it finds its way to your department?
12-10-2009 08:58 AM
Hey Anthony,
I know the certification department had received your emails and were going to be working on finishing your application soon. To what fax number did you send your stuff? Any fax number you send to will get to the right people, but if you want the best number, send your agreement and additional info to Business Development at 801-492-6509.
12-16-2009 05:46 PM
Hello Michelle,
I have read of few of the posts in this subject and the topics... And all mentioning "adding to the certified list"...
Yet, I am unable to find where this list resides? As I do have a project I am looking to get done.
Thank you,
12-18-2009 05:14 AM