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Do I need to be good in Excel before learning SQL (from literally zero)?

I'm about to start my journey to learn SQL from literally zero. I don't have any programming or Excel knowledge (just the very basic).

I'm about to use Khan Academy, SoloLearn or something like that in the sidebar, I need to check them all to see which one I'm more comfortable with, and choose.

But I just have some computer science background (Comptia+ Level), waht do you think?


Maybe spend some time brushing up on Excel first; it’ll make your SQL journey a lot smoother.


You definitely don’t need to be a whiz at Excel before jumping into SQL! Having some basic knowledge helps, but it’s totally possible to start from scratch. I started learning SQL after just a bit of Excel, and I found that the skills I picked up in Excel really helped me grasp data concepts in SQL faster.When I was getting into data management, I used myexcelonline academy for some Excel training. It laid a solid foundation for me and made learning SQL way easier. With your computer science background, you’ll likely pick it up quickly.
