Good afternoon, I am having trouble when I try to load the Microform.
- details: undefined
- informationLink: ""
- message: "You have not supplied a valid capture context."
- name: "MicroformError"
- [[Prototype]]: Error
That is the error I am receiving through the console. And this is an example of a captureContext I send:
- {e: 'AQAB', kid: '08uZyNKNM7UCrMaEYEoTw3bvIVEGmLCw', kty: 'RSA', n: 'o_7iUSNypFkuFbrkTz3j-RopVy5YbemWXcdD_os29XLLLRDJtR…ulGSH4UNLTgX1Ug7jKThGAgp2xs3hoSW3tHAuM6dw6Li9fwBw', use: 'enc'}
- e: "AQAB"
- kid: "08uZyNKNM7UCrMaEYEoTw3bvIVEGmLCw"
- kty: "RSA"
- n: "o_7iUSNypFkuFbrkTz3j-RopVy5YbemWXcdD_os29XLLLRDJtRKoiFahBzplGBhl2yQNYHVkT7ChOYIySFS-WANfqApOoeKB1mv_JodgsQr3CxMMGq-A9XD_hkadM1Yz0w3fLCNsLREyodZtoalvrCOrGVIeH3mklglmN1YXG6DjPFLOeBKt0c4Kfq3jAcsNrGvevf8Tnhd3acQesUSDbZ3OCBLx4R5s_ETeEi7IGekIP91gXh80DWvCNm7L4oOSI4GCXFCZuST78nnNzcuVe36FoT1vXwTzvUCZpulGSH4UNLTgX1Ug7jKThGAgp2xs3hoSW3tHAuM6dw6Li9fwBw"
- use: "enc"
I would really appreciate if anyone could help me with this, because I have followed all the tutorials, but I cannot implement the CyberSource Microform.