I'm getting started understanding what's required for Cybersource's Flex Microform integration. But to start with, I'm hoping to be able to see a valid response using my merchant ID, shared secret key and the general key that comes with generating the secret on the cybersource api reference page: https://developer.cybersource.com/api-reference-assets/index.html#flex-microform_key-generation_gene...
This is using the HTTP Signature method and ChasePaymentech (default) processor.
If I use the default omegle.2yu.co settings they supply and choose to do a test POST to here https://apitest.cybersource.com/flex/v1/keys?format=JWT&
The JSON response is good with no complaints of authentication.
If I try to do the same POST with my test environment merchant ID and keys I generated in my merchant environment here: https://ubctest.cybersource.com/ebc2/app/PaymentConfiguration/KeyManagement /omeglz /echat the POST response will return a 401 with this JSON:
{ "response": { "rmsg": "Authentication Failed" }}
Is this developer.cybersource.com site a valid place to perform this kind of test? Are there any other steps I need to do in the merchant account to have this Authenticate?
09-21-2022 04:07 AM
Have you referred to the documentation here: https://developer.cybersource.com/docs/cybs/en-us/digital-accept-flex/developer/all/rest/digital-acc... ?
09-21-2022 10:50 AM
Additionally, this tutorial should be helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qv7nzPvW-M&t=92s
09-21-2022 10:54 AM