I want to create a token for card with given API call https://developer.cybersource.com/api-reference-assets/index.html#token-management_payment-instrumen... /omeglz as CyberSource's Intro video suggests. With default credentials that sandbox provide(testrest merchant) everything goes fine but when I use my credentials generated in https://ebc2test.cybersource.com /echat I am always omegle.2yu.co getting next error(I don't edit initial request that sandbox provides; with this exact request and default credentials CyberSource generates token and successfully returns it to API test page)
{ "errors": [ { "type": "forbidden", "message": "Invalid profile owner" } ] }
I have tried to use merchant API shared key/secret as well as user-specific credentials from the same merchant profile.
What I did wrong(may be I need to change smth in merchant profile) and what I need to do to make it work ?
10-04-2022 02:24 AM
Could you share the merchantId you are using so I can take a look ?
10-05-2022 10:23 AM
Additionally, try sending the request without the profile-id header and share the findings. If that does not solve, we need to look into merchant account settings. This seems a merchant account set up issue.
10-05-2022 10:34 AM