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Planned System Maintenance - SSL Certificate Change - Sandbox & Production Environments


Based on the circular in subject, we need to know if there is any change requried at our end as we use Legacy system with SOAP based simple API to connect for our credit card authorization using IBM i.

We recently received a notice that Cybersource is changing the provider of  SSL certificates (from Entrust to DigiCert).

Cybersource has already made the change in their development / soapbox platform for testing.

So we did test a sample/example/dummy credit card transaction in our test company (using the test Visa card number.   It worked fine, however, we are not sure whether this was a sufficient test. ) 

We think, since our application uses a SOAP API, we may not even use (or need) an SSL certificate for our Legacy system payment application.

Please let us know as we don't see any place where we have kept any such SSL certificates when we first implemented simple API from Cybersource.


Farhan Qadri

CSI Florida

