Hello, I'm trying to use Secure Acceptance to allow users to setup a card, and then use the API to capture payments on the card.
I wanted to be able to listen to webhooks regarding payment events, but so far in Sandbox (https://businesscentertest.cybersource.com/ebc2/app/) I've not been able to set them up successfully.
I first navigated to Webhooks in the Sandbox UI and added it, but that didn't seem to do anything, and I didn't receive any notifications after that. This is what it looks like:
After browsing some other threads, it seems like I need to explicitly subscribe to the webhook events I am interested in. There didn't seem to be any way to do it via the UI, so I found this API testing tool from Cybersource: https://developer.cybersource.com/api-reference-assets/index.html?stage=pilot#webhooks_create-new-we... , and created a webhook using this, for the event type: `"payments.payments.accept", "payments.payments.review", "payments.captures.accept", "payments.captures.review"`.
However, even after that, I didn't receive any webhooks when I created payments using the API.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is this just not supported?
09-05-2024 02:42 AM
Thank you so much sharing for this informative information, I follow all these.
09-10-2024 04:43 AM