Hello, we're trying to detect if ACH payment went well.
My understanding is that when you get a "settledSuccessfully" it is not a final status for ACH payment because "https://support.authorize.net/s/article/How-does-the-eCheck-Net-settlement-process-work states" that after "settlement" will be the start of "funds holding period" and they note that one should wait until the "funds holding period" is over, as there might be "Returns".
What happens to the status of the original transaction if ever there is a "Return" of type "Insufficient Funds" (as it is a type of return from this pdf "https://www.authorize.net/content/dam/anet-redesign/documents/echecknetuserguide.pdf").
Does the "settledSuccessfully" status of the original transaction get changed?
06-18-2020 09:43 PM